I write like hell since hell is coming
I hate what I am
Hate who made me
Hate they wrecked this small blue world
I’ve loved death all my life
My closest colleague, intimate partner
I thought nothingness the perfect state
But I could never knock myself off
So many betrayed and abandoned me
How could I let them all off scot-free?
Then the visitors came
Arrived from a place I still can’t place
Giant black bodies absent of light
Asked us what we wished
Asked us like we had a choice
I told them I wanted to be new
End my human life and become one of them
So now I write from a different hell
It’s no place, but I know it well
Now I’m part of something so huge
I’m too small to begin to describe it
I died transforming
Now I’d die to die again
There are pains worse than no purpose
Horror comes when there’s no more choices
Because of all the choices you made
Even as an alien I fear living
Though now I finally want to live
How human I still am