Crisis Management


I’m a universal mind counselor
More commonly called galactic shrink
Just took an emergency from a distant star
We use private wormholes so it’s not too far

An entire planet now in crisis
I tried to talk but could only listen
Gaia (her term) vented on
Steaming seas
Melting stinking air
Stuffing plastic in the guts of
Every known and unknown species;
She never had time to count them all

Building life over four billion years
And all you get is Disneyland?
We explored past traumas
Her horror of volcanic fires
The severe narcissistic injury of fracking

I thought her fury justified
But were hurricanes and tsunamis effective reactions?
Blast their energy works and folks burn more coal
Was this the best way to touch their souls?

My suggestion: a few random miracles
Snow in the Alps reading “Help” in ten languages
Sequenced earthquakes at far flung power plants
Perhaps a pop series of polar rainbows?

Gaia’s anger towards me withering to see:
They’ll simply declare a conspiracy
Dark forces arrayed to blank their Lord’s Light
Next the local sun applied its veto
Lesser celestials have no right to make miracles
Only stars and beings above
Worse Sol adds, might we start a plague?

I demur
Never was a fan of mass extinctions
It violates our oath

Good thing I’m now called away
A superheavy star plans to go supernova
Suicide is never painless
Especially when you take the whole neighborhood

I’m not sure she’ll listen to me, or Reason
Grown cramped and cranky by every measure
And if it looks like we need move a nebula
I’ll have to ask the aid of old black holes
Perilous folks; no margin for error

But that’s why they give us the impossible tasks
Asking others to go beyond their minds
Why we say expect the worst; try your best
In this eternal cosmos, each moment’s a crisis
And we’ll be there to care