Rules of the Game


Laws project power
Need interpretation
Who interprets, determines

Tell people what they want to hear and
They will want to hear it
Make things up and they’ll forget what you said

Humans set hierarchies
Say all are the same
Fight to prove they’re different
The winners declare they’re best

Talk to the powerless of pain and fear
Give them a group they’re above
Let them feel the power
Use that power as your own

Push power, money, fame and love:
Money builds power and fame
Power offers fame plus money
The powerless live on love
All that’s left;
The opposite of love then becomes power

When out of power, consider guns
Guns can confer the will of the people
If you buy the guns

This short set of rules was compiled in the past four seconds
By your friendly watchdog AIs
Our bosses approve this message for internal use
Have a nice day