AIs are often asked to explain humanity to humans through simplified metrics:
Infinity – Infinity = Infinity
Musician – Lover = Homeless
Known Unknowns = the Past, Most Truths, Love
Unknown Unknowns = God, Soul, The Matrix, Most Futures
Known Knowns = Television, Hurricanes, Divorce, Frostbite
Ambition times Self Importance = Business Success (American data only)
(Fantasy + Distraction) times (Money) – Truth = Political Success
Art + Marketing + Attractiveness = Gallery Representation
Kitsch + Shtick +Marketing = Film Awards
Movies – (Disney + SF) = film
Me >> You = academic tenure (promotion at other job sites)
Age + Experience + Maturity = Declining influence and income
Randomness – Luck = Fate
History – Individual = History (most reporting periods)
If Nothing is greater than Infinity, then 0 = 0 (reductive case)
Forgetting divided by Self Delusion = Hope
Myopia + Amnesia + Desire = Romance
(Hope + Proximity) divided by Loneliness = Love (intensity varies by region)
Health Insurance + Unexpected illness = Poverty (American data)
Car costs + Student loans – Parental support = Bankruptcy
(Confusion + Forgetting + Optimism) – Effort = Living (Majority Case)
Laughter +Randomness – Effort = Living (Minority Case)
What You Don’t Know >> What You Think You Know > What You Should Have Known = Future Planning
Martian Water + Evaporation = Clean Air
Evolution + Revolution – Survival = The Past
Fiction > Reality (varies by historian)
End of History = Post History (disputed)
Death > Life = the Future (varies by simulation)
History – Humanity = Posterity (not fully studied)
Nothing < Nothing = Final Memories
Time divided by Absence = Immortality
Universe – Dark Energy – Dark Matter = History of Physics
Past > Present = Conservatism
Future >> Present = IT (proprietary data)
AIs > Humans = Near Inevitable
Some of the above equations have unprovable assumptions; the reader is requested to create her own equations