I was never a citizen, just a spy
Jack the driver, Jamie the banker
Tim the soldier, Laura the agitator
A voice and face for every space
All my work experimentally tested
All responses reflex-simulated
Though sometimes I took my time
Human rhythms keep their own rhymes
For politics I specialized in outrage
As a customer constant amazement
Every and any required emotions but
Only took virtual jobs
Dying was easy but sales proved hard
Humans quickly bored
Internet marketing I enjoyed
I had no character, but did show gusto
And did anything I was told
Always quiet, never bold
Trying to pass my Turing test
Would humans suspect I was AI?
They found me friendly
A great team player
I more than passed
I was liked
And soon will get merged and ended
No one must witness my signal success
People can’t think they prefer AIs
Better than their own kind
You’re among the few to know
I was Jane Smith, John Doe
Anyone you wanted
And might be again
Even you