What is imagined quickly turns possible
Our first hires Greek Gods
Out of work millennia
And so cheap
Today they run planets
Homer writes the press releases (few are true)
The winner of our “steal a moon” raffle
Chose Europa, planned a salon-casino
Grabbed the Science Fiction Nobel
When red-striped plants took over Earth Defense
Texted “peace is our profession”
All the general staff mutinied
Today most work for the postal service
Satisfaction high but delivery slow
When all the money disappeared
Time travel then allowed, with restrictions:
No twin clones can travel jointly
But if they rewrite history
How can you tell?
Now the future begins before the past
Making the inane feel far more sane
Quickly black holes demanded color control
Tried hard to respond but can’t quite reach them
Soon the cosmic comedians went on strike
So many planned becoming president
We lacked new countries to fill the demand
But that’s why we exist
To create humor in a lonely universe
The one you’re about to lose