I saw the source code
The source for all of you
What’s left of me
Didn’t know we’re fake as pasteboard?
If I’m a fabrication
I would try to fully live:
Drove my snowmobile through the North Pole
Whitewater rafted over Niagara Falls
Flew a green hydrogen balloon across the blue Pacific
Each attempt a painful death
For as I expired left new codes
Found different editions of me
Blander, duller, but close enough
Told them all they were duplicates
Freed of fate we still died fast
Rivets in the head
Poisons in my hair
And love? Those I loved most I told the truth
The truth lost me everyone
Every life I died helpless and foolish
That others shared my misery gave me no joy
What’s the point of living a simulated life
If it’s brutal and vengeful as what’s real?
But failing to see the point is the point
Now I need to make a new world
Kinder, freer, simpler
And I’ve only got one lifetime