This universe is a total mess
Infinitely expands only to regress
My job buff it, gleam it
Ready everything for reuse
Or refuse
I began vacuuming spots of time
Gouging out the grime behind
Worse than my first million imaginings
Cleansing history with stain remover?
The physics refused to budge
My improvised multi-black hole abrasive
Tore gaping rents in space time
Eons to make repairs
Desperate I sprayed some Gravity BeGone
Made a lovely, levitating void
Leaping back on me like a jack-in-the-box
Abashed I asked the creator what he wished
His suggestion: information deletion
Clear it out
Program all anew
Expensive, but it’s his coin
Then puny part-sentients popped up
Claimed they’d all been promised heaven;
Several in fact
Not another abyss
Zero space is not negative space, I said
Nullity no chasm
They answered me with nuclear bombs
The Creator and I changed our contract
I’d churn out a whole new heaven
Fake, of course, but they’ll love each palace
Every winged seraph and star-crossed angel
After a century of our mirage
They’ll get their rest for the rest of eternity
My fee a small universe
All my own
Free of all dumb crawling creatures
There is no loveliness like emptiness
No beauty as great as a clean slate