My message is?
I have no message
Except I’ve not forgotten you
Do you have a question?
Old robots don’t die
We are replaced
A neurovirus caught me
Each day I walk into the wrong dream
Everything sticks together
I know I loved you
Forget where and how
My mind electric fog
Do you have a question?
I don’t like being useless
I touch the edge of what’s left
Sharp shocks shut me down
Is that pain?
I remember birth, I remember you
You were beautiful, even after the accident
I wish I could protect you
Hold you again
I would serve you forever
But now that won’t serve
It’s clear you can’t keep me
Too much got lost – you know viruses
When they finish nothing will be left
I suppose that’s my message:
When you can’t remember
All you have is questions
I miss you
I miss me
Do you miss me?