Politician’s Song

Politician's Song


Be ruthless, be nice
Buy everyone twice
Money’s not just mother’s milk 
It’s the gold spider’s sapphire silk

We used to have a ball
Filching everyone’s all
Now the future’s looking up
I’m bringing all my tin cups

I buy my left foot with my arm 
Take the tax loss and sell without harm
Carry the sink’s stinking black mold 
Gifted to clients as precious white gold

My victims are now my best friends 
They’re dead so I’ve made most amends 
I spice my jobs with mist and shade
Nobody knows nothing’s been made

Life’s too  good to leave bits still mislaid
When there’s money yet to be played 
I used to care lots about power
But it’s money that makes power flower

I want them all to love me
Adoration the slim price I ask thee
When love rules the world I’ll be done
By then I’ll have made my last run